Industrial News

What Causes Rust on Stainless Steel Wire Netting

Stainless steel wire netting is known for its resistance to rust, but did you know that it can still corrode under certain conditions? Many people believe that rust is not stainless steel, but this is a one-sided and incorrect view. In fact, the degree of corrosion resistance depends on various factors such as the steel's chemical composition, processing state, conditions of use, and environmental medium.
At Hebei Maishi, we understand the importance of protecting your investment. That's why we want to educate our customers on the causes of stainless steel wire netting corrosion and how to prevent it. Stainless steel forms a protective film on its surface, consisting of an extremely thin and strong chromium-rich oxide layer. However, this film can be damaged in various ways, such as through electrochemical corrosion caused by dust or dissimilar metal particles, organic acid corrosion caused by food or drinks, local corrosion caused by acid, alkali, or salt substances, and chemical corrosion caused by polluted air.
To avoid these issues, it is crucial to clean and polish the stainless steel wire netting surface frequently to remove deposits and eliminate external factors that cause corrosion. Additionally, using 316 steel for beaches and carefully selecting products from reputable manufacturers can ensure better resistance to rust and corrosion.
At Hebei Maishi, we are committed to being the best partner for mesh and offering high-quality stainless steel wire netting products that meet national standards and resist corrosion. Contact Hebei Maishi today to learn more about protecting your investment and ensuring the longevity of your stainless steel wire netting products.
#StainlessSteelWireNetting #CorrosionResistance #HebeiMaishi

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