Industrial News

How to store stainless steel wire mesh in summer

Hot summer comes again and the storage of stainless steel wire mesh is an ordeal because the air humidity is relatively high. So if do not pay attention to the storage, coupled with the humid environment, stainless steel wire mesh is easy to rust.
MAISHI WIRE MESH MANUFACTURE GROUP reminds that although the stainless steel wire mesh is called stainless steel, it will rust. And it is relatively slow only.
So how to store stainless steel wire mesh in summer? Is there any good way to keep it from rusty? MAISHI gives some advice as follows:
1. First, the storage environment should be dry and ventilated. Storing in a humid and confined environment is strictly prohibited.
2. The mesh can be coated with anti-rust paint, which can guarantee that stainless steel wire mesh does not rust within a short period of time.
3. If the above two methods are not available, we can put the stainless steel wire mesh in a vacuum bag. Since it’s isolated from the outside air, it will not rust.
If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

PREVIOUS: What are the differences in the wire mesh of 201 and 304 stainless steel


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